
Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Before Or After?

Then his people believed his promises.  Then they sang his praise. [Psalm 106.12]

It was after the Red Sea experience that Israel believed God's promises and sang His praise.

I am unsure how this matches up with today's teaching that first we must believe in order to see God's miraculous power!

There is something to this!  Perhaps Christians should sit up and pay attention.  All our mustering of faith could possibly be in vain.  It is almost as if God will not have our faith unless it is borne of His initiation (performance of a miracle).

But then there is Jesus and Thomas...  I guess that blows where I was going with this discussion!  Ha.

While I do not discount anything the Old Testament writers recorded, I think it wise to base my religious experience on Jesus.

Father, it is clear there are two different ways of looking at faith from the Bible.  But when all is said and done, I'll base my faith on Jesus.  Thank You!

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