
Friday, June 27, 2014

Mankind Is Hopeless

In reading through today's portion of Hosea as prescribed by the One Year Chronological Bible reading schedule, it just seems that man has an ongoing struggle to do what is right in God's eyes.  It was prevalent contemporary to Hosea, and before and after his time.  It is prevalent today.

Left to itself, mankind is, in fact, hopeless.  The recorded history of the Bible as well as secular history do not disagree in the fact that mankind has always struggled with sin and deprivation (regardless what secular history calls it).  

A quick look around the world today reveals that nothing in the nature of man has changed.  Technology has changed.  Science and medicine have changed. Aesthetics and styles have changed.  Social ideology and programs have changed...  But man still struggles with sin - he struggles with doing the right thing.  Lawlessness and Loveless-ness are as prevalent as ever.  Many choose to ignore the fact - they love all the other 'advancements' - but the degradation continues.

The Bible aptly reports enough information to confirm that statements above.  And, not unlike modern advancements, offers a solution of its own - a solution of God's own: Jesus the Messiah.  God offers the only proven hope - proven by countless changed lives - that there is redemption.

Father, thank You for Jesus.  I have said it so many times, but it remains my hope - it remains my confidence - that Jesus is my Redeemer.  All around me is sin and hopelessness, but in You - in Jesus - I find hope and even peace.  Thank You.

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