
Friday, June 13, 2014

Is The Majority Right?

Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get Micaiah said to him, “Look, all the prophets are promising victory for the king.  Be sure that you agree with them and promise success.” [1 Kings 22.13]

Wow.  It is so easy to forget who we work for.  "All the prophets" mentioned in the verse above had, in fact, done just that.  They were clearly the majority.

It is refreshing that Micaiah, the minority, remembered his LORD and prophesied on His behalf.  Even in sole opposition to the rest of the prophets, Micaiah remained faithful to his calling.  "All the prophets," however, men supposedly with a special calling on their lives to speak on behalf of God, had begun to work for another master!

What is the moral of this story?

It is all too easy to fabricate 'religion' and it actually be the exact opposite of what it presents itself to be.

One would be wise to consider this story every time he or she 'goes with the flow' of religion or religious practices.  The 'majority' may not be working for or serving the LORD!

It is worth considering.  It is simply not enough to go with the majority - it wasn't good enough in Micaiah's day and it certainly isn't now. 

Father, help us to be wise and discerning about what we do when it comes to following You.  Give us wisdom to know Your will and to follow it even if we are the minority.  

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