
Sunday, May 18, 2014

In Defiance?

Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon. [Psalm 76.10]

Well, so much for getting the upper hand on God!

It seems prudent to meditate on the verse noted above today and really consider what it is saying.

If I arrive at the decision that God is to have no rule or say in my life, then that decision would be the very weapon to which I become subject.  Furthermore, whatever slander I would intend to discredit God with would only actually serve to glorify Him more.

I wonder if the myriads of folks out there that refuse to submit to God have days when they realize that "everything" is against them?  I wonder if they have moments when they question whether they are indeed fighting against themselves?

Father, help us all to realize that You are sovereign and supreme and that defiance against You only further secures Your supremacy.

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