What sorrow awaits you, O people of Moab! You are finished, O worshipers of Chemosh! Chemosh has left his sons as refugees, his daughters as captives of Sihon, the Amorite king. [Numbers 21.29]
If you want to know about Chemosh, look at Chemosh's people. The passage above reveals that Chemosh abandoned his followers.
A couple days ago God's Reputation was discussed. No doubt, God had become known by how He treated His people. As was discussed in the case of Rahab (of Jericho), she was certain of God's mercy based on what she knew of God's people (unruly as they were).
I wonder what the world knows of God today based on His people? "God's people" today rely on the same systems of debt, insurance, medicine and technology as the world because they experience everything the same as people of the world. What does this say about God?
The sad reality is that God's people's likeness to the world is given no thought. There is no distinction between God's people and people of the world. But there should be.
The problem with God's reputation here and now is not with God. He and His Word have not changed. The problem lies squarely with His people. So, the question, "what does this say about God?" that His people experience everything the world experiences relying on the same solutions, should in fact be, "what does this say about God's people?"
Although few see it, God's people encounter opportunities nearly every day to choose to glorify God in their actions or not.
This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’ [Jeremiah 6.16]
Every circumstance a follower of Jesus (the only Way to God) encounters is an opportunity to distinguish himself (or herself) from the followers of the world. Every circumstance is a "crossroad" - an opportunity to choose the Way of God or to choose the way of the world. The worldly "default" at every crossroad is to just blow right past it. However, a conscientious follower of God will consider the options at every crossroad; whether or not to distinguish themselves as followers of God.
What is the "old godly way" Jeremiah referred to? It is the way of faith detailed in Hebrews 11; the way of trusting God even when it makes no sense. It is the way of the Red Sea. It is the way of conquering a land occupied by giants. Israel chose wisely to cross the Red Sea, but chose foolishly to fear the giants when first approaching the Promised Land. It is the way of "moving" mountains... not going around them - not going over them, but moving them out of the way.
Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. [Mark 11.22-24]
It should also be noted, and never forgotten, that the way of faith is, above all else, the way of the Cross.
Debt is not the way of faith. Insurance is not the way of faith. Medicine is not the way of faith. Technology is not the way of faith. In fact, debt, insurance, medicine and technology are the ways of the world. They do for all people what God said He would exclusively do for His (obedient) people (see Deuteronomy 28, blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience). Debt, insurance, medicine and technology are expensive imitations that allow the world to "enjoy" the temporal comforts God promised to His obedient people thus providing a false sense of security for eternity. In contrast, God's people today mostly stay on the same expensive road of the world, thus "blowing by" the opportunity to distinguish themselves at the crossroad of faith.
If debt, insurance, medicine and technology could just be seen as "Chemosh" (in the opening passage), we would realize that they offer only temporary relief powerlessly abandoning their "believers" at death into an eternity in hell.
Jesus, the Way of faith, taught faith for a very good reason. Faith is what sets His followers apart from the world. In fact, faith is, in every way, contrary to the ways of the world - thus, the "crossroads" Jeremiah spoke of.
Father, before a lost and dying world, may we see the importance of our testimony of faith in every circumstance. May our faith in You alone, specifically in Jesus Christ, distinguish us at every crossroad; that You do not abandon us on earth signaling that You do not abandon us for eternity! So be it!
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