
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Where The Light Comes From

The LORD said to Moses, “Give Aaron the following instructions: When you set up the seven lamps in the lampstand, place them so their light shines forward in front of the lampstand.” [Numbers 8.1-2] 

I explored this picture before in the article How Important Is The Light? Suffice it to say, where the light comes from is important but how it is transmitted is equally important!

In the aforementioned article, for some reason I understood the lampstand as the Word of God. However, today, I have come to believe the lampstand is the Holy Spirit (as the Word of God would necessarily be Jesus Who would be represented by the table of the Bread of the Presence).

What I understand today is that the seven lamps could be considered to represent the Church as it sheds light forward across the room to the table of the Bread of the Presence (see Revelation 1). As the seven lamps are supported by the lampstand (the Holy Spirit), the lamps' role in illuminating Christ is thereby 'enabled' by the Holy Spirit. Note: Revelation 1 speaks of seven lampstands instead of seven lamps on one lampstand, but, as of this moment, I can accept these as the same thing.

The light from the lamps supported by the Holy Spirit not only illuminates Jesus, but also the prayers of God's people; the incense on the altar positioned between the lampstand and the table of the Bread of the Presence (Revelation 5.8). If the light we pray in is not the same light that illuminates Jesus, then there is a disconnect. Jesus said this:

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. [John 14.13]

This clearly explains why the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19) were unsuccessful in casting out a demon. They indeed used the name of Jesus, but it was in the light of their own understanding and not the light of the Holy Spirit as the context of the story reveals. These boys were Jews, but they didn't have the Holy Spirit; they were not part of the Church as it was being revealed in that day. While the implications of this are deep, the work of the Holy Spirit through the Church illuminating Jesus Christ was no surprise to God Who showed us a picture of it way back in the Tabernacle!

Where "our light" comes from is of utmost importance! It must come from the "seven" lamps (the Church) supported by the lampstand of the Holy Spirit without Whom we cannot truly "see" Jesus and we cannot truly "see" our role in prayer and intercession (incense). So, where the light comes from is significant, but how it is transmitted (through the Church) is equally significant.

All the while, it must remain understood that Jesus IS the Light (John 8.12; John 9.5). And then, the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit explains how the Holy Spirit would illuminate Jesus and how Jesus would send the Holy Spirit all as part of the will of the Father Who spoke light into existence. And then the fact that we are included in this circle of light as we are in the Church, is just mind-blowing.

I certainly don't have all the answers but I am exploring. I look forward to progressively learning more...

Father, thank You for helping me understand more and more. May I stay focused on seeking Jesus in Old Testament rules and history as Your Holy Spirit sheds light on Him through the Church. May I be found so operating in the Church as a recipient of, and a bearer of, that true Holy Spirit light that illuminates Jesus! So be it.

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