The LORD said to Moses, “Give the people of Israel these instructions, which apply both to native Israelites and to the foreigners living in Israel. “If any of them offer their children as a sacrifice to Molech, they must be put to death. The people of the community must stone them to death. [Leviticus 20.1-2]
Leviticus chapter 20 is pretty much a repeat of Leviticus 18 (see yesterday's article Defiled Lifestyle / Idolatry). However, Leviticus 20 starts off discussing the sacrifice of children to Molech rather than getting around to it later.
It should be observed that Leviticus 20's re-focus on the worship of Molech indicates the seriousness of the matter. Idol worship is no small deal to God, but, more so as it relates to murdering children.
This statement was made in yesterday's article and it is worth repeating today:
Whether it's called "abortion" or "worship of Molech" matters not as the end result is children sacrificed for the sake of sex!
For the record, the guilt for the sacrifice of children goes much further than just the perpetrators of the offence. It covers those who ignore the problem too!
I myself will turn against them and cut them off from the community, because they have defiled my sanctuary and brought shame on my holy name by offering their children to Molech. And if the people of the community ignore those who offer their children to Molech and refuse to execute them, I myself will turn against them and their families and will cut them off from the community. This will happen to all who commit spiritual prostitution by worshiping Molech. [Leviticus 20.3-5]
Whoa! That's intense!
Abortion is murder. The worship of Molech, as it involves the sacrifice of children, is murder.
As was seen in yesterday's article and is seen today, the worship of Molech is discussed in conjunction with all manner of sexual sins including same-sex sexual relationships and even sexual relationships with animals. However, as the warning goes in Leviticus 18 and 20, most of the discussion is dedicated to forbidden heterosexual relationships. The thing about these relationships is that, in a society without advanced birth control, the number of resulting pregnancies would be high. It should come as no surprise then that the sacrifice (disposal) of these children would have a symbiotic relationship with the promotion of unbridled sex. Of course this would all have "legitimate" religious justification within the jargon and edicts regarding the worship of Molech.
Does any of this sound familiar? It should!
In the sexually-supercharged self-focused society in which we live today, sex is considered a necessary "staple" of human "life." In other words, people today treat sexual fulfillment much the same as they stock their cupboards at home - if they want or "need" it, they get it, irrespective of God and Biblical marriage. And, even in this age of advanced birth control, unwanted pregnancies still abound, far too many of which are terminated in abortion. As stated above, abortion is, in practice, the sacrifice of children for the sake of sex. And, although it is no longer called the worship of Molech, that is exactly what it is.
For the children of Israel, the only way to deal with the worship of Molech and its practices was strict rules and religious protocol and punishment (mostly the death penalty). For us today however, the strict rules and religious protocol and punishment have all been fulfilled in and by the person of Jesus Christ.
Obedient faith in Jesus Christ transforms a repentant person to live for the purposes and lifestyle Jesus demonstrated - a lifestyle that is focused on others, not self-fulfillment. Biblical marriage is where a man and woman join their lives together not for the sake of selfishly getting, but for the sake of selflessly giving to each other. This is the antithesis to the world's idea of "hooking up" for personal satisfaction. God's plan really is better.
The worship of Molech back then, with all its sexual deviance resulting in child sacrifice, is no different than the unbridled worship of self that exists in purely selfish sexual fulfillment that is unashamedly promoted today. "Saving the babies" is only part of God's plan. "Saving the baby-makers" is the whole plan. The simple solution to this problem is Jesus.
Father, may the words written here not condemn anyone, but rather call them to a selfless life of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ where fulfillment is not found in getting, but in giving. So be it.
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