These were the men registered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, all listed according to their ancestral descent. They were registered by families—all the men of Israel who were twenty years old or older and able to go to war. The total number was 603,550. But this total did not include the Levites. [Numbers 1.44-47]
The Levites (priests) weren't included in the census God instructed Moses to take. In so doing, the Levites were singled out from the rest of the nation of Israel.
As the One Year Chronological Bible is arranged in the New Living Translation (with Numbers 8 occurring earlier this month before Numbers 1 today), the priests had already been dedicated specifically to the LORD's service:
“Now set the Levites apart from the rest of the people of Israel and make them ceremonially clean. [Numbers 8.6]
However, before the Levites were set apart, and again, as the OYCB is arranged, God told Moses the following:
And you will be my kingdom of priests, my holy nation.’ This is the message you must give to the people of Israel.” [Exodus 19.6]
So, it starts off that God calls the entire nation of Israel a kingdom of priests and then later singles out the Levites for the priesthood.
Interestingly enough, in the book of Revelation we find the following two statements made about the Church (from every tribe and language and people and nation):
He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God his Father. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. [Revelation 1.6]
And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth.” [Revelation 5.10]
If we can see it, we might conclude from all this that, just from the historical record, God made distinctions between Israel and the priesthood in the Old Testament. And then, God made associations between the priesthood and believers in Christ in the New Testament thus signifying that Israel's story of the priesthood being singled out is a revelation of the Church. Jesus put it in clear words:
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” [Matthew 22.14]
What's more, the Church is (or, should be), today, a revelation of Jesus Christ!
That's it for today ...but it's actually quite significant!
Father, help me to understand the Bible as it reveals how I fit into history as I am in Christ! So be it.
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