If only you could be silent! That’s the wisest thing you could do. [Job 13.5]
The irony of what Job says to his friends here is found in his repentance before God after being confronted by Him:
Then the LORD said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Then Job replied to the LORD, “I am nothing—how could I ever find the answers? I will cover my mouth with my hand. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say.” [Job 40.1-5]
Furthermore, after God's continued tirade of accusations against him, Job reiterates his repentance:
Then Job replied to the LORD: “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me. You said, ‘Listen and I will speak! I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.’ I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes. I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” [Job 42.1-6]
But then, God turns His accusations against Job's three friends. What is mysterious about this call to repentance is that, right after accusing Job of foolish talk, God indicated (and even repeated it) that Job had spoken accurately!
After the LORD had finished speaking to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite: “I am angry with you and your two friends, for you have not spoken accurately about me, as my servant Job has. So take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve, for you have not spoken accurately about me, as my servant Job has.” [Job 42.7-8]
So, it seems glaringly inconsistent that God would scold Job for his ignorance (found in the torrent of complaints Job made and repented for) and then turn right around and tell Eliphaz and the two others that Job had spoken accurately about Him (God).
This contradiction seems irreconcilable to me. The only certainty I can glean from this is that perhaps it is best just to keep our mouths shut... What are we actually to do with it?
Father, for all that I think I understand at times, days like today confirm to me that I understand very little. Help me to observe more and speak less...
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