And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.” [Genesis 40.8]
The fact that Joseph attributed the interpretation of dreams to God makes me believe Joseph had indeed known God for some time and had experience in God's interpretation of dreams. There was no evident pride in Joseph's claim, but certainly no lack for confidence.
It must be remembered at this point in Joseph's life that is was his own dreams that caused his family not only to question him, but, for some, to despise him. Some of his brothers so resented Joseph's dreams that they wanted to kill him but only sold him into slavery instead.
With this in mind then, it is paramount to understand that Joseph, while not only a slave, but a slave sitting in prison, still believed that God gave interpretation of dreams. Joseph, with his own dreams yet unfulfilled, was still accurately interpreting the dreams of others in full confidence it was the work of God.
Two things may be learned from this: (1) Joseph's unfulfilled dreams did not stop or discourage him from interpreting the dreams of others, and (2) Joseph focused on others in a time he could have just been focused on himself.
Joseph's unfulfilled dreams can easily be translated into "faith." Just because Joseph's own faith had not yet become sight was no deterrent to him exercising that "faith" over the lives of others. This is a significant point to understand!
Similarly, Joseph's focus on others in the midst of his own time of need is, in pure form, what Jesus would later walk the earth teaching and demonstrating. Joseph could understandably have refused to interpret others' dreams until his own were fulfilled, but he selflessly did not.
The fact remains that interpreting dreams is God's business and it is indeed a worthy business in which to engage! There is much to be learned and understood from our dreams, but it will take focus to do so. In our busy world today, I fear most of us will miss pertinent insight into our lives simply because we shrug off dreams as some unexplainable anomaly.
Father, help me to give the time and attention necessary to dreams. May I remain mindful that interpreting dreams is Your business and give it appropriate priority as such. So be it.
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