
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Will We Not See?

My people have turned their backs on me and have refused to return. Even though I diligently taught them, they would not receive instruction or obey. They have set up their abominable idols right in my own Temple, defiling it. They have built pagan shrines to Baal in the valley of Ben-Hinnom, and there they sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molech. I have never commanded such a horrible deed; it never even crossed my mind to command such a thing. What an incredible evil, causing Judah to sin so greatly! [Jeremiah 32.33-35]

The phrase, "sacrificing sons and daughters..." is not novel to this passage. In fact, child sacrifice was a real problem among Israel and Judah learned from other nations. This is not surprising because of the sexual nature of much of these godless nations' sins. Sex makes babies - not for the sake of making babies, but simply for the the carnal pleasure of sex. Babies are simply the unwanted result of unbridled sex and so, what better way to justify their extermination than to make it a religious practice to eliminate them! "Sick!" you say?

Without diving too deep in a rabbit hole, idolatry has so refined itself through the ages that, while people still practice all the same terrible sins of long ago, they now justify these same sins in a much more educated and scientific manner, as if that makes it okay. No, they are not bowing down to trinkets or carved idols, but they just as readily pay homage to debt, insurance, medicine and technology for immediate self gratification. 

Is it any wonder then, that so many of the businesses surrounding the idols of debt, insurance, medicine and technology (to which so many are beholding today) promote and support the indulgences of perverted sexual sins? Only a brief review of advertisements today will confirm these industries' unashamed endorsement of Biblically-forbidden sexual practices - heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual. 

It may be concluded then that anti-heterosexual practices might just actually be the unconscious result of (at least) not wanting to kill unwanted babies (since only heterosexual relationship produce babies). Rather than dealing with the base sin of promiscuity and its unwanted yield of babies, it is more convenient to direct lust outside of heterosexual relationships. It's just a matter of time that this "outside heterosexual" thinking will include beastiality given mankind's infatuation with, and humanization of, pets today.

It takes a special kind of blindness to not see this in today's society, but sadly, this blindness exists in pandemic proportion. Only God's Word will cure this blindness. Only God's Word offers the instruction necessary to avoid the biblical "war, famine and disease" that follow this blindness.

The question is not "Can we not see?" but rather, "Will we not see?"

As far from redemption as society seems today, Jesus Christ remains the Hope for salvation. For all the complicated mess that sin and idolatry have become, the Holy Spirit is given to all who believe in Christ to help them see and navigate through the pitfalls of a world gone mad.

Father, may Your truth be heralded boldly in this day just as Jeremiah and Ezekiel proclaimed it. May there be a call to repentance - a turning away from the bondage of idolatry and the sins it propagates! Save us from our Godless academia and social advancement! May faith in Christ and the subsequent indwelling of the Holy Spirit make us effective ambassadors of Your Kingdom in the earth today!

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