
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Is Common Sense Really Just Common Idolatry?

The LORD made the earth by his power, and he preserves it by his wisdom. With his own understanding he stretched out the heavens. When he speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses. [Jeremiah 51.15-16] 

Why, do you suppose, God makes repeated declarations like the one above throughout the Bible? The answer is simple: because these facts about God are the very facts His enemy attempts to refute.

Let's see what an outright rebuttal of the passage above might look like: 

God does not exist so he did not make the earth. It all started with a big bang and everything came from that. Space just always existed. Because God does not exist, he has no control over the natural phenomena of clouds, rain, wind, thunder and lightning. 

There is a critically important principle on display in God's repeated reminders (like Jeremiah 51.15-16) that He is the Creator and that He sustains everything exactly as He said. Any time "God has said" anything, Satan attempts to refute it. But Satan's argument is not typically a blatant exact-opposite rebuttal (like above), but rather, a subtle repeat of what God said with just a small, almost indistinguishable addition of a lie or slander of God's character. Here's an example:

God made the earth by scientific means knowing it would continue based solely on those principles. Because He exists, He understands the heavens. The weather reminds people of God. [Satan's subtly twisted Jeremiah 51.15-16]

From this tainted view of God, less-than-adamant people fall subject then to all manner of idolatry. Here is what that sounds like:

"I know God provides, but we have debt and the intuition (common sense) to use it to get things we want."


"I know God heals, but we have medicine and the intuition (common sense) to use it to get well."


"I know God watches over us, but we have insurance and the intuition (common sense) to use it to recover from disaster."


"I know God gets things done, but we have technology and the intuition (common sense) to use it to accomplish more."

As is seen common to all the examples above, man's mind - his intuition plays a necessary part in all the solutions. So, what is intuition (or common sense)?'s 1.a. definition of "Intuition" is: "the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference." In other words, intuition, or "common sense," may indeed lead people to debt, insurance, medicine and technology but it's without evident rational thought and inference that God is Who He says He Is and does what He says He does. "Common sense," when used to help or exclude God altogether, is, unfortunately, more "common" than it is "sense" and is far too often void of Biblical rational thought and inference.

In light of this, Christian people quickly learn to say "God gave these things" to preempt any guilt inspired by the Bible as it warns against trusting in anything other than God (idols), particularly for that which God directly said He would provide. Instead, God's people should safeguard against the lies of Satan by diligently learning and staying true only to what God says about Himself in the Bible. Then there is confidence of pure unadulterated faith - and therefore pleasing God.

It all starts with believing that God created everything and still to this day, controls everything (regardless what science and the weathermen say). While "common sense" sounds like the way to go, when it's "common" with all the world, but makes no "sense" when it comes to all-powerful Almighty God's character as declared in His Word, it may indeed be a lie of Satan.

How risky then is common sense (or "intuition" which sounds better)? If the "sense" part of the phrase is not firmly and adamantly based on God's Word, then all manner of falsehood and idolatry is forthcoming. People would do just as well to say. "common idolatry."

Father, may our rational thought and subsequent actions be based entirely and solely upon Your Word!

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