
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Idolatry And The Fear Of God

Your impurity is your lewdness and the corruption of your idolatry. I tried to cleanse you, but you refused. So now you will remain in your filth until my fury against you has been satisfied. [Ezekiel 24.13]

The lewdness and corruption of idolatry referred to here can best be seen in the preceding chapter. Chapter 23 of Ezekiel gives an eyebrow-raising description of how God sees idolatry. It's not pretty. The graphic sexual references in Ezekiel 23 showcase reckless abandon to unbridled and lustful physical pleasure as it depicts the captivating allure of idols for self-gratification.

Is it any wonder that debt, insurance, medicine and technology ALL appeal to man's self-gratification in their presentation of themselves to man? Is it any wonder that sex and pleasure are often the basis for advertising strategies by these industries and others? Is it any wonder that ad campaigns attempt to "normalize" biblically-forbidden practices under the guise of "diversity, equity and inclusion"? This is all the identifiable work of idols. 

Idols promise an impure shortcut to self fulfillment, ease and pleasure without accountability to God. Therefore, it is lewd and corrupt. God, on the other hand, promises blessings to those who control their self fulfillment, ease and pleasure in order to first obey Him. 

While this is all Biblically accurate, the real item presented in Ezekiel 24.13 is that there came a time when God said, "Enough!" and withdrew His offer of redemption. The question then we should all ask ourselves is, "Have we reached the point in our idolatry where God has said, "Enough!" and withdrawn His offer of redemption?" This should scare us to our core - it's called "the fear of God."

Our only hope is the all-encompassing redemption provided by Jesus on our behalf. But Jesus Himself laid down a stiff stipulation:

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. [Luke 9.23]

Father, I understand that all the recognition of idolatry in my life is useless unless I proactively rid myself of those idols. Help me to see that following Jesus' example of life and selflessness (ultimately, the Cross) is my only hope. Help me to see that taking up my cross daily (refusing idolatry's promise of impure self fulfillment and self preservation without accountability) is Jesus' prescription for my successful Kingdom existence.

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