
Monday, August 19, 2024

Getting What Is Deserved

“Now this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will give you what you deserve, for you have taken your solemn vows lightly by breaking your covenant. [Ezekiel 16.59]

As "Old Testament" as this sounds, it very much speaks about faith. And, because it speaks about faith, it speaks of us today in timeless revelation.

The interesting thing is that the New Testament is about covenant too. Where the Old Testament was about the obedience (faith) in the sacrifice of animals, the New Testament is about the obedience (faith) in the sacrifice of Jesus.

Like it or not, the confession of faith in Jesus is a vow of covenant proportion. To trust however in anything but God through Jesus is breaking covenant with Him - it is to take that solemn vow lightly. And, just as breaking covenant back then meant punishment (getting what was deserved), so breaking covenant today yields just reward.

"Getting what is deserved" however today is highly misunderstood because man measures that "just reward" by his own knowledge and experience instead of by God's Holy Word. What God called "curses for disobedience" in Deuteronomy 28.15-68, man calls "natural phenomena" or "circumstances." Because man today fails to see curses as punishment, man fails to repent. And, curses simply continue on as unrepentant man, in futility, develops new and better ways (idols) to remediate their effect day after day, year after year.

Jesus' work on the Cross is of no effect upon an unbelieving, idol-ridden, soul. Debt, insurance, medicine and technology are all idols that serve to distract man from repenting for the curses of sin upon his life. All the while, these idols cost him dearly, enslaving man in servitude to their maintenance.

While many will read these words and lament, few will commit to the proactive elimination of idols in their lives. Why? Because their vows of trust in Christ were only taken lightly! And so, the idols of debt, insurance, medicine and technology further enslave the would-be believer justifying their necessity by the very curses that indicate their presence.

It is time to review and renew our covenant vows to God! It starts with repentance! Curses do not lie.

Father, may the truth about our modern-day idols be revealed!

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