
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Trust People?

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

"God gave us medicine."

"God gave us doctors."

The thing about medicine and doctors is that they involve people.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

Recently, I had a well-meaning (and loving) professing Christian friend who, when I indicated that I preferred to receive healing from God without the aid of medicine, reminded me that "God gave us medicine." I was as gracious as possible in rejecting his notion but I know he went away shaking his head thinking what a fool I am.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

What if I die because I refuse the help of man? Am I a fool?

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

So, what's the difference between my stance and suicide? Well, for starters, I am not holding a gun to my head with intent to harm myself! I am purposefully trusting in God and God alone to heal my body AS HE SAID HE WOULD! There is no comparison! 

He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.” [Exodus 15.26]

Look at it this way... We don't discourage military people from going to war because they might die, do we? No, of course not - that would be silly. They don't go to war intending to die - but they do go to accomplish a mission. Why then, do we not see the fight of faith in the same way? With all the Biblical evidence we have been given that faith is indeed a fight - a fight where we might indeed die (read all of Hebrews 11) - we (in general) try to talk each other out of going to battle. How will the war ever be won with that attitude? How will the Church ever attain faith in that environment? Quite simply, it won't (and it hasn't). We praise patriotism in our military and shame "patriotism" in our faith.

I fear that the faith the Church today teaches is conditional and diluted at best, and, at worst is full-blown idolatry. We encourage people to "trust God," but then, in the same breath, encourage "wisdom" with phrases like, "God gave us medicine." I heard a pastor say recently that it would be silly not to use medicine. He is a pastor of a "faith church."

Let's just get real! Are we, as Christians, afraid of dying? Come on, be truthful! The answer is undeniably evident in our actions - our refusal to trust God alone - and that answer is, "yes." This fear is a plague within Christianity today! Of all people, Christians should not fear death.

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

So, what do we do? We trust God until we get it right! Yes, some might (and probably will) die. Is the battle not worth it? Is our testimony of undivided faith in God alone before a wretched fear-riddled idolatrous world not important? Does boldness in the face of death mean nothing?

It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. [Psalm 118.8]

Let's face it, it is not in medicine's best interest to heal us! If the industry were to heal everyone without need for ongoing drugs and treatments, it would effectively eliminate itself.

However, it IS in God's best interest to heal us! Why did so many people flock to Jesus? Because He healed them and performed many wonderful miracles! Just as medicine's "healing" provides faithful followers (prescription drug users), so God's healing provides faithful followers (disciples of Christ)! To deny this is ludicrous (and yet, I am called the foolish one).

Father, help us to see just how ridiculous our trust in people is. Forgive us for this idolatrous betrayal of You.

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