
Monday, July 15, 2024

Faith Check-up

He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or in human might. No, the LORD’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love. [Psalm 147.10-11]

God doesn't need our strength or knowledge. Therefore, nothing of our strength and knowledge impresses Him or gives Him pleasure.

Believers do themselves and each other a great injustice to say silly things like, "God uses medicine..." It is no different than saying, "God helps those who help themselves." Regardless how passionately well-meaning people justify these statements, they have nothing to do with faith and consequently, nothing to do with pleasing God.

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. [Hebrews 11.6]

In light of what has been said to this point, here is an excellent question to ask 

"So, what am I supposed to do, just die if I don't take my medicine?" 

Let's examine this question for faith, shall we? Why would we suppose we would die if we don't take our medicine? No matter how one tries to justify it, the supposition that we would die if we don't take our medicine screams, "I have no faith in God at all!"

To believe God uses medicine, but also to believe you will die without it says nothing for faith in God now, does it?

Perhaps we should examine ourselves for faith. The only way to do that is to eliminate things one by one and see what is keeping us alive and what is not! Am I suggesting that we eliminate God? Sure, go ahead! Quit "trusting" God for a time and see if medicine keeps you alive. If medicine keeps you alive, then you really don't need God, do you? THEN, start trusting God again and quit medicine... does your health remain or deteriorate? If it deteriorates, then it's not God keeping you alive, is it? Maybe you are thinking, "You're just being stupid!" But tell me, who is really being stupid - the one who says, "I want to know what I believe!" or the one who says, "I have no idea what I really believe and there is no way I am going to find out!"

I haven't had as much as a Tylenol(R) for a long time now. Some days I hurt like crazy. I haven't been to the doctor for what has become a debilitating and painful stiffness in my neck. People always ask me, "What does the doctor say?" or "Have you been to the doctor?" My response is that I am trying to trust God alone and they look at me like I am out of my mind.

Let me tell you what I have that the people who think I am stupid do not have: I have complete assurance that my faith needs work! Everyone who says "God uses medicine" should ask themselves, "Do I know one hundred percent for sure that God indeed uses medicine?" But no, people will not ask themselves that question because it will reveal their faithless religion that they have become so comfortable in! It reveals their idolatrous relationship with "the horse and human might" that Psalm 147.10 says God takes no pleasure in. And yet, people would rather argue with me just so they can stay ignorant about the real condition of their faith. Tell me, which of us is really fighting the good fight of faith?

Yes, our beloved Luke, who penned the Gospel reflecting his name, was indeed a doctor. However, I challenge anyone who says God uses doctors to find one single Bible reference to Luke actually practicing medicine after his encounter with Jesus. In contrast, Peter, James and John were fishermen - but the Bible does give evidence that they practiced their trade after encountering Jesus (albeit a situation where they were confused after Jesus' death and resurrection so they just went back to fishing).

To say we are trusting God without really even knowing what we trust in is ludicrous. Doesn't the Bible say we should examine ourselves?

Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith. [2 Corinthians 13.5]

I think it is indeed time for a check-up! However, the check-up we need is a faith check-up! 

Father, I don't want to be hard-hearted toward sickness and disease in humanity. But I do want to be sure of my faith. I want my faith to be in You and You alone. I don't want to trust "in the strength of a horse or in human might." I want to trust You and I want to know I am trusting You only. Help me and help others through me to examine our faith to see if it is genuine!

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