
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Challenge Of What We Believe

Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name—and his son’s name? Tell me if you know! [Proverbs 30.4]

This passage contains some very basic facts about God that, if not understood, create an environment of general confusion about life and the world in which we live. The writer challenges us to consider what we believe.

In the modern world, with the knowledge man has amassed, there exists a secular mindset about pretty much everything. This is particularly true when it comes to natural elements and phenomena. For all things natural, there are explanations. Man's knowledge of the world around him has increased to the point that there is less awe of the unknown than at any other time in history.

While man "understands" weather patterns, the moon and tides, the life cycle of butterflies and frogs, the basic elements, and how all these things relate to each other, he remains "sketchy" at best concerning the origin of everything. There are, of course, imaginative speculations about how all things came into existence, but, by nature of the task, there is simply no scientific method to re-create the event of "creation" in a controlled environment to prove or disprove it one way or another.

The pride of man is commonly on display every time he opens a box of parts, begins to assemble the contents to resemble the picture on the box, and try to 'operate the thing' - all without opening the accompanying User's Guide. Sometimes it works out, and, other times it does not.

God, through the willing hands of many different writers, put together a User's Guide for this world. It is the Bible. In this collection of writings, God identified Himself as Yahweh, Almighty God, Creator. He provided explanation for how the world was assembled. He furthermore explained the relationship of all created things to serve His purpose. He claimed control over the oceans and the weather. He particularly explained man's role in the grand scheme of things. But most importantly, all of His Word identifies His Son, Jesus Christ the Messiah.

As we survey the current state of affairs of this world in which we live, hardly a soul would disagree that this thing is a mess - almost as if the User's Guide had been completely ignored. One person thinks it should be one way while another thinks it should be completely different. Both arrogantly defend their stance. Consequently, disagreements abound about how it all works. The User's Guide has been proudly cast aside and few understand even the most basic operation of the phenomena we know as life and the world.

Unless we understand that all things were made by God and exist for His purpose, the world's state of affairs can only be confusion and strife. Remarkably, the User's Guide, the Bible, not only explained this condition, but also predicted it. While the Bible is full of troubleshooting techniques, they are of no avail to those who do not know them and those who reject them altogether.

There is no way to know the Creator unless we first know the basic things He has revealed about Himself  in the Bible. To speak of God without knowledge of His life-changing Word, His loving character, and His redeeming Son is powerless religion. Churches today are chock-full of this very ignorance and naturally rife with controversy and disagreement over all things pertaining to life and the world.

"Separation of God and His Word" is religion - even so far as the religion of atheism.

Father, help is to know You and Your Son Jesus. Help us to begin to know You more through Your Word - our User's Guide.

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