
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trusting God (?)

“O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me.” [Hosea 14.8]

On this day last year (2023), I wrote Who's Your God? As I re-read that post today I realized that God has been speaking very clearly to me regarding the topic of idolatry for quite some time now.

God says, "I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you," This follows the demand to stay away from idols (and what they provide or promise to provide), How have we ignored this fact? How can we say we trust God when our first thoughts in time of need are all the world's solutions? Do we not see the idolatry in this?

The way most of us think is much like this: Something goes wrong - let's say an unusual pain or discomfort in our body - and the first thing we do is go to our medicine cabinet for a remedy. If the pain persists, we might go for a medical check-up. The doctor prescribes a bit stronger treatment than what we have at home. If that doesn't help, we go back for more extensive tests. The tests may reveal nothing, or, they may reveal a chronic or even potentially fatal condition. Then we call all our "Christian" friends and ask them to pray. And, let's pause right there...

Why is prayer given last (or near last) priority? Here is the simple answer: Because we do not genuinely believe God is the One Who answers our prayers and cares for us. What we really believe is that "God gave us medicine" and so we don't have to trust Him, but just "take a pill." God has become our last resort instead of our first! We may proudly deny this, but God knows our deceptive faithless hearts whether we admit it or not.

In recent months I get asked all the time, "What's wrong with your neck?" (my neck has become noticeably and debilitatingly stiff). My most common answer is, "I don't know, but I am praying for it to go away." I cannot recall a single person who hasn't immediately responded, "What do the doctors say?" or, "Have you been to the doctor?" Does no one but me see the problem here?

If whatever is going on in my neck is my demise, those who know me or hear my story will likely justify the thought, "He should've gone to the doctor..." But if I could make a postmortem statement at my own funeral, this would be it: "I died believing God alone. Are you remaining alive because you believe God alone?"

I would much rather die now in faith, than live now and still ultimately die in doubt.

Whatever is going on in my neck has only further confirmed to me that modern Christianity is rife with idolatry. God help us, I want no part of it!

Father, I want to stay away from idols. YOU are the One Who answers my prayers and cares for me. Any and every good thing that comes to me is from You! May all my faith be in You and You alone.

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