
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Don't Trust Mere Humans

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? [Isaiah 2.22]

God has given so much knowledge to man! But when man uses that knowledge to free himself of the need for God, there is a problem.

The overriding goal of knowledge is to deliver man from undesirable circumstances - to make him more comfortable. With only a little observation, it may be concluded that most everything which man's knowledge serves to deliver him from may be found in the descriptive language of Deuteronomy 28.15-68. The things man needs deliverance from are the result of his disobedience. The knowledge of man, as opposed to the fear of the LORD which is true knowledge, then serves to free man from curses intended to correct him.

How dangerous then is man's knowledge if it circumvents the purposes of God? How dangerous is it to trust in mere humans when their only goal is the comfort and well-being of mankind without regard for God?

We must understand that God's goal, in contrast to man's goal, is NOT our comfort. Comfort is a blessing, but it is not God's goal. In fact, Deuteronomy 28.15-68 indicates that God offers comfort to guide us into fellowship with Him. The prudent follower of God will soon understand that comfort, while only a temporal earthly condition, serves only to guide man into fellowship with God. With God, it's not about the journey (comfort), it's about the destination (fellowship with Him).

Here is a good place to stop and consider all that man's knowledge has accomplished! Think of the systems of man that are currently prevalent: financial and insurance systems designed to prevent or treat material loss, medical and pharmaceutical systems designed to prevent or treat physical and mental loss, and social systems designed to prevent or treat emotional loss. Think about it. All these systems of man circumvent the Deuteronomy 28.15-68 spiritual aspect of these areas of man's need. The knowledge behind all these systems is almost immeasurable, but what good is it if God is removed from the equation - if fellowship with God is not the goal?

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. [Proverbs 1.7]

Without God in the picture, all the knowledge of man is pure foolishness. The fear of the LORD on the other hand is the foundation of TRUE knowledge.

When God warns us not to trust in mere humans, He has good reason to do so.

Father, help me to trust only in You.

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