Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied: “A wise man wouldn’t answer with such empty talk! You are nothing but a windbag. [Job 15.1-2]
I am going to try to see a bigger picture here today than just what is in today's OYCB reading.
Eliphaz made the statement above to Job in his second address to him. It is strikingly similar however to other statements:
Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied to Job: “Will you be patient and let me say a word? For who could keep from speaking out? [Job 4.1-2]
Then Bildad the Shuhite replied to Job: “How long will you go on like this? You sound like a blustering wind. [Job 8.1-2]
Then Zophar the Naamathite replied to Job: “Shouldn’t someone answer this torrent of words? Is a person proved innocent just by a lot of talking? [Job 11.1-2]
Then Job spoke again: “I have heard all this before. What miserable comforters you are! Won’t you ever stop blowing hot air? What makes you keep on talking? [Job 16.1-3]
Then Bildad the Shuhite replied: “How long before you stop talking? Speak sense if you want us to answer! [Job 18.1-2]
Then Job spoke again: “How long will you torture me? How long will you try to crush me with your words? [Job 19.1-2]
Then Zophar the Naamathite replied: “I must reply because I am greatly disturbed. I’ve had to endure your insults, but now my spirit prompts me to reply. [Job 20.1-3]
Then Job spoke again: “Listen closely to what I am saying. That’s one consolation you can give me. Bear with me, and let me speak. After I have spoken, you may resume mocking me. [Job 21.1-3]
There is, no doubt, a LOT of talking going on in the book of Job. In the absence of answers, would it not seem prudent just to have just stayed quiet?
The thing is, much of what everyone said was correct! But whatever they said that was incorrect, or, possibly correct but said in a wrong spirit (pride), earned their scolding from God.
There is a fourth person who speaks to Job, Elihu, who is evidently younger than them all, who, after he speaks, God immediately chimes in in what proved a torrent of rebuke toward Job. Interestingly enough, God does not rebuke Elihu, but only Job and the three others.
The fact that Elihu spoke last could represent the fact that he did not speak impulsively (in pride) and therefore was not in need of reprimand.
There is much more to be learned from Job's story.
Father, please help me to learn every possible thing I can from Job's story. In my own suffering, I want to have a right spirit toward You so that my recovery is sure.
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