
Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Be Careful

A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born. Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone dies—so the living should take this to heart. [Ecclesiastes 7.1-2]

This passage and what follows (in today's OYCB reading), has no uncertain overtone of depression, resignation and despair. Reader, be careful what you take from this!

I know Solomon was the wisest man to ever live, but should we not consider his position with God about this time in his life? If the One Year Chorological Bible has the timeframe of Solomon's life anywhere close to right, then Ecclesiastes was written after the time time Bible records that Solomon forsook God and began to worship the detestable foreign gods of his many wives. Is it possible that Solomon was not thinking clearly at this point?

Considering all this, one should read Ecclesiastes with the rest of the Bible in mind. If what Solomon says can be supported by the rest of the Bible, then great. However, if what Solomon says seems contradictory to the rest of the Bible, then one should see the recorded danger of turning away from God in it! Not everything in the Bible is recorded for us to duplicate (I mean, Judas hanged himself)!

Much discernment is required to understand the revelation provided in Ecclesiastes. In other words, some of the revelation of Ecclesiastes is that when one turns away from God, wisdom no longer makes sense!

Father, help us to be discerning as we read about Solomon and the things he said. Help us to understand most importantly that there is NO wisdom outside an intimate relationship with You.

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