
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Jew and Gentile?

And this is God’s plan: Both Gentiles and Jews who believe the Good News share equally in the riches inherited by God’s children. Both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promise of blessings because they belong to Christ Jesus. [Ephesians 3.6]

It seems to me it was the apostle Paul who made the distinction between Jew and Gentile elsewhere in his writings!

Could it be that a more mature Paul penned these words to the Church in Ephesus? In fact, Ephesians 3.6 makes more sense as God is loving and fair to all.

Why would it be so important to the Church that Jew and Gentile receive dissimilar treatment? Here is my opinion: I believe those who promote such distinction between Jew and Gentile are also those who do not believe miracles are for the Church today. By making a distinction between Jew and Gentile, they can effectively usurp any teachings of Christ (that they say were only for the Jews) thus rendering the message of "power" powerless - except, of course, for salvation. The teaching about all this distinction between Jew and Gentile provides the perfect excuse for modern (Gentile) believers to justify their present powerless condition in the world.

But Paul simply does not agree with such nonsense in Ephesians 3.6. He uses wording indicating equality between Jew and Gentile. Sameness is highlighted. Mutual benefit in the promise of all God's blessings in Jesus Christ is also pointed out.

Should we not spend our time understanding unity in the Body of Christ (Jew and Gentile) instead of studying differences? Is not this infatuation with segregation against all the Bible really teaches?

Father, help Your people - Jew and Gentile - to work together in unity for the reconciliation of man unto You!

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