And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him— speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction. [2 Peter 3.15-16]
Wow, people interpreting Scripture to fit their own narrative is not a new thing!
Is it not ironic that the folks who do not believe God heals today and do not seek healing today consequently suffer the destruction of their infirmities?
This irony does not stop, but gives way to absurdity and ridiculous inconsistency though. The same people who do not believe God heals will also declare God has a higher purpose in their infirmity (thus justifying their disqualification (?) for His healing) but then they still seek out medical help! What? Do they mean to say that God has a higher purpose for their infirmity and then they turn to the medical profession and medicine? Wait... WHAT???
These also are the people who look at isolated scriptures like Paul's "thorn in the flesh" passage and, because they are ignorant of the fullness of God's Word in declaring Who God Is and What God Does, interpret Paul's situation based on their own personal experiences (faith failures, really) thus twisting something Paul said to mean something entirely different to suit their experience! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
I am suffering in my body as I write this. I am suffering NOT because God's grace is sufficient, but because my faith is not! God's will, and therefore His grace, IS His power, so, of course, His power is sufficient. The failure is mine for remaining infirmed - I am ashamed to admit this, but not too proud to admit it! Because I am learning more and more about God's character (Who He Is and What He Does) from the Word through daily reading and holding myself accountable to respond in writing, I am forcing ignorance and instability out of my life!
Look at how Peter started verse 15 above: And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved... People are always talking about how they have to be patient in their faith walk... but little to nothing is said about God being patient with us! What does that mean? WE are the ones who need to shape up in our knowledge and stability of God!
My thoughts today are gushing. And I am glad - may the Lord continually transform me and my thinking by His good Word!
Father, change me! Thank You for Your patience with me!
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