
Thursday, July 07, 2022

Gratitude - Even Though

It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to the Most High. [Psalm 92.1]

I must admit at times this verse annoys me. There, I said it...

But there is more to Psalm 92.1 than just that verse. The Psalm continues on just a little further on with an explanation:

You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. O LORD, what great works you do! And how deep are your thoughts. Only a simpleton would not know, and only a fool would not understand this: Though the wicked sprout like weeds and evildoers flourish, they will be destroyed forever. [Psalm 92.4-7]

So, it would seem in my being annoyed that I have openly revealed that I am a simpleton - a fool.

This is serious.

What makes me look at my life and not be thrilled with all God has done for me?

What is it?


Is it just my disposition to be skeptical? Why am I so critical? Why so analytical? Why cannot I see the sunrise and marvel in the glory of God instead of analyzing the situation as a regularly occurring cosmic event corresponding to universal laws of physics and science?

I guess it could be deduced that I am not saved. But then, the Psalmist could not have been saved either (by our definition of saved as being accepting Christ as Savior).

Jesus Himself spoke of eyes that see, ears that hear, and hearts that understand... How has my understanding gone awry?

I must make a further admission that I am becoming annoyed as I write this because here I am trying to figure it out! And the more I try to figure out, the more simple a fool I become.

Why this attitude? 

Why not gratitude?

Father, I regret that I find myself so ungrateful. I don't know why I am like this. Thank you first for being patient with me even though I don't seem to be changing. Thank You for Your Word that, even though it confuses me at times, gives me hope. Thank You for Jesus, Who shows me the Way even though I feel dull in truly understanding the fullness of what He did. Thank You for giving me faith even though I fail so often in exercising it. Thank You for people who pray for me (and have for years) even though I have been so unlovable. Thank You for my wife, children and grandchildren even though I have been so self-centered and taken them for granted. Thank You for friends even though it seems they are so busy and rarely reach out. Thank You for Your promise of provision even though it seems a struggle every day to feel like I am advancing financially (and it seems my career died years ago). Thank You for Your promise of healing even though I am in constant pain. Father, can You and will You help me get past all the "even though's" in my life? I know the "even though's" prevent me from genuinely understanding Psalm 92.1 and I want that to change...

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