
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

What Good Are They Anyway?

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? [Isaiah 2.22]

When I consider all the LORD has been revealing to me this year in my daily reading of the Word, this verse highlights at least one of the main points.

Mankind is pretty smart. Now, don't get me wrong, there are indeed some real dummies among us (perhaps myself included), but for the most part, the knowledge and ingenuity of man are impressive to say the least. One does not have to look very far to see, hear, feel, taste. or touch something that is the spectacular accomplishment of man.

As much as we enjoy our knowledge and ingenuity, we must also understand the dangers associated with them. The culmination of those dangers is the singular error of trusting in man.

The contrast (opposite) of trusting in man is trusting in God. This fact is worthy of meditation and resolve in order to reap change. After all, humans "are as frail as breath. What good are they?" 

Ever wonder why Jesus declared that His followers would do "greater works" than He did (John 14.12)? Consider this: knowledge and technology back then were nowhere near where they are now. What might have seemed miraculous in Jesus' time (let's say talking to someone on the other side of the world) is now entirely possible. The standard for "greater works" therefore has necessarily been raised. What seemed miraculous back then is commonplace today. For this reason, if God's people are going to confound the commonplace conventions of man today with the miraculous, then the miraculous must proportionately be advanced to the degree that man's ability cannot explain it away!

With Isaiah's statement in 2.22 above, the necessity to "step up our game" in doing the works of Jesus becomes more profound. If we view the notable knowledge and ingenuity of man as the works of mere humans, then what should we be looking to God for (Whose superiority over humans will never be matched!)?

To trust in mere humans, even with all the advancements of the species, is to distrust God. This puts (at very least) a dampening effect on the erroneous idea that God gave all this knowledge and ingenuity to man for us to trust in (as if to trust in God). God NEVER intended for man's knowledge and ingenuity to replace Him! But that is precisely what it has done!

It's pretty easy to trust God to heal a headache when we believe a Tylenol(R) will do the trick. In fact, who needs God then if we have Tylenol(R)? In fact, if man's Tylenol(R) can stop a headache, what else can the inventions of man do? Man can physically replace a human heart! Again, who needs God?

Let me just point out here that God has NEVER needed the knowledge or ingenuity of man to accomplish anything! If the Bible teaches us anything, it teaches that trust in man violates one's trust in God. Israel's history proves this over and over and over - there is simply not enough room here to cite all the examples.

No matter how advanced the knowledge and ingenuity of man become, they will always pale in comparison to the omniscience and omnipotence of God. The burden of proof for this lies upon God's people. Jesus did not make His statement in John 14.12 for no reason:

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. [John 14.12]

What I have suggested here will never be popular. In all likelihood, it will be viewed as radical and therefore dangerous. But, so empower me my LORD God, I am going to stick by it. And, even if it kills me, God's demand for faith in Him alone does not change. If I die rejecting the help of man, nothing can be more proof-positive that I indeed did trust in God ALONE! If I am healed, glory be to God! If I die, glory be to God for I trusted in Him alone!

Father, may we find courage to trust in You alone making every effort to reject every false god and idol of man's invention. May our rejection of human reasoning, knowledge and ingenuity be a testimony of undivided faith to You and to the lost world that You love and desire to redeem.

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