
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Anointing

Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak, which had fallen when he was taken up. Then Elisha returned to the bank of the Jordan River. He struck the water with Elijah’s cloak and cried out, “Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” Then the river divided, and Elisha went across. [2 Kings 2.13-14]

Where indeed was the LORD, the God of Elijah?

I think we have to be very careful here about what we make of that cloak of Elijah. 

The Spirit of God was not in that cloak!

Now, I know that really puts a kink in so many lessons and sermons on "the mantle of Elijah" (his cloak), but we must ask ourselves the same question Elisha asked, "Where is the God of Elijah?"

I will tell you this: God is not in a garment. In fact, God is not in a stick either as Elisha later learned:

Then Elisha said to Gehazi, “Get ready to travel; take my staff and go! Don’t talk to anyone along the way. Go quickly and lay the staff on the child’s face.” But the boy’s mother said, “As surely as the LORD lives and you yourself live, I won’t go home unless you go with me.” So Elisha returned with her. Gehazi hurried on ahead and laid the staff on the child’s face, but nothing happened. There was no sign of life. He returned to meet Elisha and told him, “The child is still dead.” [2 Kings 4.29-31]

The Spirit that was in Elijah was in Elijah. A double portion of that Spirit was passed on to Elisha because Elisha witnessed Elijah's departure from earth. The anointing wasn't about the cloak (mantle) then any more than it was about Elisha's staff later!

Indeed God has used garments and staffs (sticks) to symbolize His anointing (as He did with Moses' and Aaron's staffs) but it wasn't about "the object!" God's anointing is about a person or group of people. The clothes and personal articles (like staffs) merely represent that particular person - in recognition of who owns that particular item. That's it. Otherwise, we make objects into idols (and we know that's not God's will!).

My point is proven in the accounts of Elisha using Elijah's cloak to part the Jordan River and Gehazi using Elisha's staff in attempt to revive a dead child. One worked and the other did not. Why? Because the anointing was not about the object!! Elisha could have struck the Jordan River with a Tootsie Roll(R) and it would have parted because the anointing was on Elisha. And, when Gehazi placed Elisha's staff on the dead child and nothing happened, it just proved that the anointing was on Elisha, not the stick and not Gehazi!

The irony of this is that the woman of Shunem seemed to have a better grasp of the anointing than even Elisha himself! She refused to let Gehazi tell Elisha what was wrong and she refused any remedy except Elisha coming in person with her to raise her child.

I believe there is much more to be learned from these two events in 2 Kings about the anointing of God!

Think about this: Jesus said:

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the LORD’s favor has come.” [Luke 4.18-19]

And, here's another thought: God's Word works because it is God's, not because it is words.

Father, would You speak to my heart throughout this day about the anointing and what it really means relative to these stories and how they impact my life.

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