
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Power and Wealth

When Athaliah, the mother of King Ahaziah of Judah, learned that her son was dead, she began to destroy the rest of the royal family. [2 Kings 11.1]

Power and wealth do some strange things to people. Athaliah, being a descendant of Ahab was certainly capable of such heartless wickedness. Athaliah was killing her grandchildren and so that was why Joash was taken and hidden.

It just seems that sin goes to another level when children are murdered.

I will go so far as to say that self-centeredness is the root cause of this level of sin, and that power and money are usually the goals of self-centeredness.

Perhaps in our modern world, consideration should be given to the root cause of abortion. Are power and greed found in the reasoning behind these innocent murders?

Father in heaven, may our understanding of the dangers of pursuing power and wealth always remain under scrutiny of Your Spirit.

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