
Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Knowledge and Faith

But, my child, let me give you some further advice: Be careful, for writing books is endless, and much study wears you out. [Ecclesiastes 12.12]

For all the "wisdom" of Solomon, doesn't it seem extraordinary that he would make the statement above?

If anything Solomon says in Ecclesiastes conveys spiritual value, Ecclesiastes 12.12 could be it.

Over the course of the years that I have been writing in response to what I have read each day in the Bible, I have made repeated references to the untold libraries of books written about the Bible in a negative connotation. Lately, I have also seen the futility of human reasoning (secular knowledge) in its proud opposition and contestation of God's Word.

Here is what I conclude: Knowledge is an insufficient, and therefore inappropriate, foundation for faith.

Think of it this way: the event where a child defends his reluctance to obey with the question, "why?" and the parent answers, "because I said so, is why!" is the perfect example that knowledge does not transcend obedience.

Faith never stands on knowledge but instead on obedience. Faith is a discipline of obedience. In contrast, knowledge is a discipline of pride.

For all the statements Solomon made in Ecclesiastes based on knowledge (some of which reek of faithlessness), Ecclesiastes 12.12 stands in critical contrast. Solomon concludes that knowledge is NOT the answer. It is no wonder then that Solomon's final words in Ecclesiastes are the following:

That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad. [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]

"Obey God" is Solomon's conclusion. If we extrapolate obedience to God to its basest form, we are left with FAITH because nothing but faith pleases God (Hebrews 11.6). Obedience to God is faith.

Without verses 12-14 of Ecclesiastes chapter 12, we might easily conclude that the entire book has no place in the Bible. But it IS there and there IS a pivotal lesson regarding the contrast between knowledge and faith that all must reconcile with.

Father, thank you for Your Word. And, thank You for even the difficult passages and books of the Bible, which, when given time and the influence of Your Holy Spirit, are revelatory. May I never be found substituting knowledge (even my faithless knowledge of the Bible) for obedience to faith.

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