
Monday, June 20, 2022

It Comes As No Surprise

When King Amaziah returned from slaughtering the Edomites, he brought with him idols taken from the people of Seir. He set them up as his own gods, bowed down in front of them, and offered sacrifices to them! This made the LORD very angry, and he sent a prophet to ask, “Why do you turn to gods who could not even save their own people from you?” [2 Chronicles 25.14-15]

Say what people ignorantly will about the freedom offered in the USA, it does not change the well-documented fact that the founding fathers of this nation established it on the precepts and principles of Almighty God found in the Holy Bible.

At whatever point people of other religions found refuge in the USA and yet failed to adopt the God of the nation is the point when the decline of the USA began.

The USA offers freedom like no other country and has, for years, attracted immigrants from the world over. The very fact that foreigners would choose to emigrate to the USA reveals the inferiority of their country of origin (along with its culture and religion) and the desirable superiority of the USA (along with its culture and religion). And yet, immigrants have been allowed - even encouraged - to bring their cultures and religions to the USA! What? Do we think the dirt and climate in the USA is what makes it so special irrespective of its founding culture and religion?

If the culture and religion of a foreign country did not make it a good place to live, why would it then make the USA a good place to live?

Amaziah conquered Edom and then bowed down to the very gods who were unable to deliver Edom from his power. How absurd was that?

The original culture and religious environment of the USA was established by the power of Almighty God working through Christian men of prayer and devotion to Him. How absurd is it then for the USA to embrace religions and cultures that had nothing to do with the establishment of its freedom? It is not only absurd, but downright suicidal. If the foundation upon which the USA was formed is usurped by the failed cultures and religions of foreign countries, then the USA is left to stand upon the same failed foundational conditions of those foreign countries!

How many ways does it need to be said for people to understand that cultures and religions that fail in one nation (making it undesirable) will also fail in another?

Automobiles are designed to run on a particular fuel. To store gasoline in an all-electric vehicle expecting it to function as it was designed is ludicrous. So ludicrous also is to establish a nation on the culture and religion of the Bible and then expect it to function properly on other cultures and religions!

The very people Jesus came to save crucified Him. The very people the USA frees are destroying it. I suppose it comes as no surprise. People need forgiveness.

Father, I know the USA was established under Your loving direction and care. Please forgive us for rejecting You.

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