
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Which Way Is It, Job?

“This is what the wicked will receive from God; this is their inheritance from the Almighty. They may have many children, but the children will die in war or starve to death. Those who survive will die of a plague, and not even their widows will mourn them. [Job 27.13-15]

“Why do the wicked prosper, growing old and powerful? They live to see their children grow up and settle down, and they enjoy their grandchildren. Their homes are safe from every fear, and God does not punish them. Their bulls never fail to breed. Their cows bear calves and never miscarry. They let their children frisk about like lambs. Their little ones skip and dance. They sing with tambourine and harp. They celebrate to the sound of the flute. They spend their days in prosperity, then go down to the grave in peace. [Job 21.7-13]

Which way is it, Job?

So here is perhaps the best argument that one should spend more time in silence than in arguing. Most people, after talking long enough will contradict themselves.

Both the passages above are direct quotes from Job's mouth. Yes, it seems Job was running his mouth while disengaged from his brain. He was speaking from emotion, and not from consistent truth. One day his emotion said the wicked eventually get their just reward and one day his emotion said the wicked get off unscathed. Job made completely contradicting statements - and even offered convincing speeches both ways.

The lesson here is real. It is not difficult to make a convincing speech - true or not. A person "of many words" can all too easily be as convincing on one side of an argument as the other. And, by operating off of emotions instead of God's Word, Job could (and did) convince himself either way.

Once again I will fast forward to this statement by Job:

Then Job replied to the LORD, “I am nothing—how could I ever find the answers? I will cover my mouth with my hand. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say.” [Job 40.3-5]

By keeping these three scripture passages in mind as we read Job's story, we stand a better chance of understanding what is really taking place.

Father, help me to learn the lesson of silence.

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