This is the account of the descendants of Esau (also known as Edom). [Genesis 36.1]
Does genealogy matter?
Well, genealogy matters enough that those inspired by the Holy Spirit to write what we know today as the Bible thought so.
In that case, genealogy ought probably to matter to us!
But why should genealogy matter?
In the case of Esau, genealogy mattered because of his foolish decision to give away his birthright. That birthright meant plenty. That birthright, coupled with his father's blessing, determined the outcome of generations to follow. The genealogy of Esau listed predominantly in today's OYCB reading is the genealogy affected by Esau's foolishness. The 'contempt' (Genesis 25.34) Esau showed for his birthright manifested in the descendants to follow - those listed in today's reading
Does genealogy matter today? Ask powerful leaders. Ask famous musicians. Ask mass murderers. Ask world-renown dictators.
Genealogy does matter. Just as we cannot determine our own skin or hair color, so we cannot determine what sins or foolishness our ancestors committed that may have great effect on our lives. However, in the case of sins and foolishness, unlike skin or hair color, we can choose to follow in those sins and foolishness or break the cycle of them in repentance. Knowing our genealogy helps us understand what we may be facing that needs to be overcome.
The problem many encounter however, in facing their genealogy, is that, rather than "responding" accordingly, they "react" to their ancestry in ways that only further compound the problem!
There is something very psychological and spiritual - all wrapped together - in what is discussed here. However I believe the proper order of handling these is to address the spiritual first, then the psychological (if it is not already remedied in the spiritual).
But to do nothing with our genealogy is the most common way today. Oh, most of us see our similarities with our parents, but few actually respond (as opposed to react) to those similarities in a constructive manner. In most cases, any address of similarities with parents we see is a "reaction" that tends more to fight the similarity instead of a "response" that spiritually studies the similarity and determines what might be good about it as much as what might be obviously bad about it.
It is no wonder that people today are so focused on "finding themselves." Their "reaction" to parents inherently blinds them to the self that really needs attention and therefore they struggle to find any real foundation upon which to determine who they are! So then, it becomes a 'buffet' of whatever the world offers from which they choose. And the confusion just continues...
My post here could go on and on. But suffice it to say, the Bible gives us every clue that our genealogy matters and should be considered in every function and direction of our lives. Who knows how a spiritual response to our own personal genealogy might open up a world of possibilities we never before saw possible?
Father, help me to carefully and prayerfully consider my own genealogy. Help me then to understand what You want to use for strength in my life and what You want me to repent of and discard as refuse.
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