
Monday, December 30, 2019


I saw before me what seemed to be a glass sea mixed with fire. And on it stood all the people who had been victorious over the beast and his statue and the number representing his name. They were all holding harps that God had given them. [Revelation 15.2]

It is so easy to become overwhelmed with the settings of the Revelation and miss what is actually taking place.

Today I want to focus on "all the people who had been victorious over the beast and his statue and the number representing his name." Why do I want to focus on them? Because THEY are the ones God gave harps!

Reflecting on my post from yesterday, I concluded that there is great conflict even now on the earth, and, that God's people are to be victorious. We have, after all, the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony! It seems that today's reading refers to that same "victorious living."

It would appear that living a victorious life is more than just having a new car. It would appear that those who will live victorious lives will engage in great conflict! Sure, that conflict may include fighting off poverty so one has a car to drive, but it will be much more serious than that!

If we look at the life of Jesus, we will see pretty much what we need to be aware of and therefore prepared to overcome.

"Need" was something Jesus encountered and overcame (turned water into wine). He also took a meal that would barely feed one person and multiplied it to feed thousands (twice He did this). He instructed Peter to catch a fish that would have money in its mouth with which to pay taxes for Jesus and himself.

"Sickness and disease" was also a major condition Jesus faced and overcame multiple times. I will include here that Jesus combated and overcame demon possession (which today we usually call mental illness).

"Death" was another condition that Jesus  was victorious over.

"Ignorance" was a condition Jesus was committed to remedy in His twelve disciples. He instructed them regularly about the Kingdom of God.

Jesus also addressed and confronted issues of greed, hatred, lust, perversion, and indifference. He was victorious in these matters in that He spoke truth over the circumstances instead of remaining silent.

In all, Jesus countered the works of the enemy and conquered him effectively. And, when it came to His own death, Jesus faced it with resolve reversing an eternity of doom for His believers.

Now, the question looms over us: do our lives even look similar to Jesus in our victories and spiritual conquests?

Father, I confess my failure to look and act like Jesus on earth. Forgive me that I have neither represented the blood of Jesus nor been verbal about the truth of Your Kingdom to the point of overcoming the enemy with any significance.

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