
Thursday, December 19, 2019

No Easy Thing

Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. [Hebrews 10.26]

What does this mean?

I think probably it means what it says. If, after coming to Christ, we consciously and purposefully do something we know is wrong, then our guilt for committing that sin is not covered by the blood of Jesus. Bottom line: deliberate post-salvation sin gives the curse of the Law full authority over our lives.

What is the curse of he Law? Sickness, disease, poverty, loss, pain, suffering and destruction...

So follow this line of thought with me... Why would we even attempt to escape punishment if we knew we had deliberately sinned after being saved? Why would we as much as even take an aspirin if we thought the pain we were experiencing was righteous punishment from God? Would we not be fighting against God and therefore committing further deliberate sin? The outcome of doing so is typically quite ugly and even more painful (ever see a child resist a parent's punishment?).

On the other hand, we could assume that sickness, disease, poverty, loss, pain, suffering and destruction were all just random life experiences and "take our aspirin." However, to assume that these undesirable conditions are all just random life experiences is to blatantly and thoroughly ignore their accurately detailed description in Deuteronomy 28 of the Bible as indicators of sin! Does taking an aspirin qualify as repentance? I don't think so. 

The verse above is not the first instance the writer of Hebrews made such a bold statement about deliberate sin.

For it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened—those who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come— and who then turn away from God. It is impossible to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame. [Hebrews 6.4-6]

Is there then, any hope for us? I think not, based on our own merit. But a careful student of the Bible knows the mercy and long-suffering of God is a reality. A devoted student of the Bible will depend on the mercy and long-suffering of God. A well-versed student of the Bible will recall Jesus' teachings about humility and repentance ...and persistence. A humble student of the Bible will live a life of repentance in the fear of God because they know:

It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God. [Hebrews 10.31]

How does this all match up with teachings like "the authority of the believer" and "the victorious life" and such? I cannot say that I know the answer to this. But here is what I believe: the faithful love of God (His mercy) endures forever - so, I will praise Him; the faithful love of God (His mercy) endures forever - so I will repent to Him; the faithful love of God (His mercy) endures forever - so, I will, as a prodigal son, humble myself and throw myself upon that faithful love and mercy.

Oh, and one more thing, the faithful love of God (His mercy) endures forever - so, I will seek to allow His Holy Spirit full control of my life because I am incapable of living a life pleasing to God.

Father, it would be great to think I have spelled out some great spiritual remedy here that makes right-standing with You as easy as some declare it. But I don't see from scripture that anything about right-standing with You has ever been easy (I know the Cross was no easy thing). I know faith isn't easy - especially in such a Godless world. I know that if I could succeed in my faith walk on my own, then Jesus would not have commissioned the Holy Spirit to come. I need You, I need Your Spirit, I need the blood of Jesus. I only prove over and again that I am incapable of pleasing You. Please forgive me, please help me, please change me... because of Jesus.

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