
Monday, February 11, 2019

Bring It (2)

“No one may appear before me without an offering. [Exodus 34.20b]

After my post yesterday, I am having more thoughts about "bringing it." Relative to what I believe God revealed to me yesterday, today's reading certainly has a different thing going on for me.

I actually wrote a bunch of stuff today but had to delete it (days like today, I realize how pitifully ignorant I am). I am going to focus instead on what the passage above says all by itself. My only response is my prayer:

Father, first and foremost, I come to You in the name and by the sacrificial blood offering of Jesus. And in His name, I recognize that Jesus repeatedly defined in the Gospels that being "in His name" means looking and acting like Him. So, I understand that simply coming to You "in Jesus' name" but without looking like Jesus is a mockery deserving of the words, "I don't know you" from Your throne. May my life be a constant offering before You as Jesus' life on earth was a constant offering before You. Help me to "BRING IT" to You - my continual offering of the life of Jesus as He touches the world through me.

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