
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Share The Truth In Love

“But consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the discipline of the Almighty when you sin. [Job 5.17]

Eliphaz was gracious enough to share these words of wisdom with Job.

Were these words right or wrong?

Actually, I truly believe Eliphaz was spot-on. His timing however may have been a little less than perfect.

Truth is truth. Period. The only thing with sharing the truth, regardless how awkward it may be, is that there is an enemy out there who is incapable of the truth in any capacity. So, we must always purpose in our hearts to side with truth. The burden rests upon us though to share the truth in love.

That's about all I see in today's OYCB reading.

Father, help me to be sensitive to the importance of sharing the truth in love. Always.

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