Job 38-39
Yeah, I am guessing the dialog by God in Job 38-39 is not what anyone wants to hear.
It is all a matter of perspective, isn't it?
It is far too easy to sit here on earth and judge God as if we think we have anything figured out. But, when God speaks, as He did to Job, nothing but 'humble pie' is served up.
As I ponder God's words to Job, I think I need to take Job out of the picture and place myself in his position. I too, have let my mouth get out of hand... or maybe even my fingers here in the context of this blog. I have said things that make it sound like I think I deserve some reckoning from God - like I need an explanation - like God owes me some clarity. But, God owes me nothing.
What I need to do, instead of complaining to God over my circumstances, is repent. Yep. Repentance is a safe place to be when God shows up!
As fortunate as we are to have Job's story, still we largely do not grasp it. I venture a guess that our understanding of Job's story would soar if we would read it from a stance of genuine humility before God. Because of pride and arrogance, we too, like Job, are prone to self-pity and self-justification. We can deny it, but our adversities (troublesome times) speak in clear definition otherwise. What to do? Repent. Remember our place. Rely on God, and God alone, for our every thing. Reflect on the fact that our own hearts deceive us. Revere and fear God, Who controls everything. And, need I say again, repent.
So, when I am feeling like God owes me something, I think Job 38-39 is good place to start - to just read it as if God is speaking directly to me.
Father, You are so very good. You have given us Job's story to see ourselves.
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