
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Doing Everything Right Is Not Enough

Doesn’t he see everything I do and every step I take? [Job 31.4]

This is the plea of a man who has done everything right. He knows it. God knows it.

But doing everything right is not enough.

No, as we will see, doing everything right is not enough.

The apostle Paul made a profound statement to the church of Ephesus:

Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. [Ephesians 2.9]

God's deliverance from all that is due us because of our wicked hearts (inherited from Adam), has nothing to do with how good we are - what we do. In fact, the more good a man does, the more that man is in jeopardy of pride. That was eventually revealed to be the case with Job.

Job missed it. His friends missed it. Satan capitalized on it. God was over the whole thing...

Because God knows all, He knew that, regardless how 'good' Job appeared on the outside (before God, man, and the enemy, Satan) there would be something surface eventually from the inside - something ugly - something genetic - something that everyone needed to be aware of: the rebellious seed of Adam. Given enough time and space, that seed would manifest its leaves. In Job's case, it was pride. 

God confirmed Job's integrity on the outside to Satan. So much integrity did Job have that Satan left him alone. God had to point Job out to Satan. Satan still didn't realize he was being played like a puppet on a string. The father of lies was deceived by his own ignorance - and I am sure he thought he was doing something evil and sinister by hurting a 'just' man. But God, giving just enough information to accomplish what only He knew would be the outcome (acknowledging Job's outward integrity) initiated the test on Job's life. God knew the test would reveal to Job and Satan that Job had a deceitful heart just like Adam - and that that deceitful, desperately wicked heart would manifest its ugly proud head in the 'undeserved' trials upon Job.

No man, born of the seed of Adam, has any claim to righteousness. Oh sure, he can be good, do good, and be thought of as good, but no matter his actions, he cannot change his heart. Heart-changing is the work of God and God alone. Specifically, the only remedy for a wicked heart is the shed perfect blood of God Himself. Can you say "Jesus" right now?

'Old Testament' folks were taught to look forward to this blood-shedding Redeemer Messiah, and 'New Testament' folks are taught to look back to Him - but He is One and the same Jesus. Only He has dealt with that deceitful, wicked human heart.

But man must believe. He must believe first that he is wicked and in need of a Savior. Then, he must believe the Savior is Who God said He is (prophecies). And finally, he must believe the Savior died and rose again on his behalf. 

Man must understand and accept that all his righteous efforts are as 'filthy rags' before God.

Thank God for the story of Job. What a reminder that our efforts are futile to accomplish right-standing with God.

The sooner we get this figured out and get repentant and humble before God, the sooner we will see God (and all that brings with it).

Father, forgive me for all the pride of my life for things I have done that appear on the outside to be 'good.' Apart from the redeeming blood of Jesus on my behalf, I know I have no 'right' to You at all. I want to please You with my life, but even more, I want to please You with my faith.

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