
Friday, May 18, 2018

Trusting God Is Not Natural (Nor Should It Be)

When the LORD heard them, he was furious. The fire of his wrath burned against Jacob. Yes, his anger rose against Israel, for they did not believe God or trust him to care for them. [Psalm 78.21-22]

You know, God takes it pretty seriously that we trust Him.

I wonder how He must feel today? We have the human condition so covered with insurance, medical advancements, security, military, nuclear stockpiles, government programs that we pretty much have a worldly answer to every problem life throws at us.

Is that right? Can God be pleased with us?

If nothing but faith pleases God, then we are likely not very pleasing to God!

Oh, we can say we trust God - or that we are trusting God to use all our stuff to keep us, but really, who are we kidding? Oh - that would be ourselves.

People today say faith is a very personal private thing - intangible at best. But it would have been laughable had one would have said that to Israel! Or, better still, Israel's enemies only wished Israel's faith was an intangible thing - ask Pharaoh (oh wait - he was likely swallowed up alive in the Red Sea).

How have we gotten to our faithless condition today? By FAITHLESSNESS!

Trusting in God is something done on purpose - in spite of all things natural. Trusting in God is not natural - nor should it be. Trusting in God is the greatest glory we can give our Heavenly Father.

Father, I understand that trusting You is more than just a personal private devotion. I understand that trusting You makes me different than the world - in tangible ways - or, at least it should. Help me to glorify You!

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