
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Want A Good Reputation?

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. [Hebrews 11.1-2]

Faith and reality. In today's society - even in the church - we see these words in contrast to one another. But, not so with the author of Hebrews!

The verse above indicates that faith and reality are related. It even indicates that reality is dependent upon faith!

Similarly, faith and evidence are made equal in the passage above. They are not presented in contrast to one another as we so often consider them today. No, instead, faith is called evidence!

Then, in verse 2 it says faith earned a good reputation. Let me just pose a question: Who's character are you going to elevate - one who merely says "be healed," or one who actually heals you - the one who says, "be filled," or the one who feeds you? Jesus' reputation wasn't for just making "faith statements." No! Jesus' reputation was for commanding and affecting change in circumstances!

Faith is seen in a lot of ways as the rest of Hebrews 11 attests. But, genuine faith always results in a good reputation. Why? Because faith ultimately brings God's goodness to others (even those who lay down their lives for a cause as Hebrews also confirms).

Think for a moment about those around us we consider as having a good reputation. I dare say all of them are considered 'of good reputation' because of what they do for others (not for themselves).

While faith is an important personal aspect of a relationship with God, I am suggesting here that faith is most important for affecting others in a heavenly way. My supporting documentation for this is Jesus' instruction to His followers in Matthew 6.33: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

You see, Jesus directly implied that God takes care of those whose lives are focused on His Kingdom. And, what is the Kingdom of Gopd if it is not about bringing people to God? In other words, a true Kingdom-seeker's faith is to be focused on others because God said He will take care of the Kingdom-seeker's needs.

Again, what better reputation than to bring people to God in body, soul, and spirit? Jesus is our example in every way.

So, what does 'good reputation faith' look like? Hmm, let's see what Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.” [Luke 4.18-19]

And, you know what, Jesus' reputation - His good reputation - is for doing just that! Jesus did not 'spend' His faith on Himself - He spent it on others!

Father, I want a good reputation with You and with mankind.

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