That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.” [Acts 23.11]
These were important words to Paul. Their meaning however was twofold.
First, the obvious meaning of this statement to Paul was that he was to go to Rome.
Second, the implied meaning of this statement to Paul was that he was going to Rome. He WOULD GO to Rome. In other words, if Jesus says you are specifically going to Rome, you ARE going to Rome and nothing will successfully stand in the way.
The second implied meaning would be very important for Paul to remember because between where he was and Rome were many opportunities to die.
Is it not worth stating here how important it is that we have a specific "word" from God regarding our lives? Unlike Paul, most of us just live with no particular direction, let alone assurance, that we are to accomplish any particular thing except to generally live and serve God (and some, not even that).
Little did Paul know, but those words from Jesus would be all he had to go on when it looked like the crowds would kill him, or when he was hopelessly lost at sea, or even when a deadly viper inflicted what should have been a bite of death. No doubt, Paul's faith in the words spoken to him and the One Who spoke those words was tried. But Paul remembered what had been spoken to him and he held to it. And, Paul did indeed get to Rome.
Most today don't feel like they have a specific direction from God. Oh sure, they have the Bible and it gives plenty of general direction of how to live. However, general direction won't do when circumstances are such that that general direction is about to be interrupted! No, a specific word from God is important!
But most will never have a specific word from God. Why? Because they will not spend the time and energy in prayer and God's Word to get that far in their relationship with Him. Most are therefore, unfortunately, content with a general relationship with God.
Churches today are chock full of people satisfied with no specific direction from God. Is it just me, or is there something terribly wrong with this?
Father, I don't want to live my life just generally following You. I want to have unique direction from You and walk in it in faith and confidence!
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