
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Blessing (A Priestly Duty)

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. [Numbers 6.24-26]

Wow, what a blessing!

A person would really have to work hard to construe this to mean anything but good - even in a purely human estimation.

It seems to me we have been given specific instructions for how to speak to, and particularly over, people. Furthermore, those instructions are notably positive and encouraging. There is certainly a place for rebuke, otherwise, repentance is overlooked. However, as a rule, blessing is our first priority because it is God's first priority.

It is also worth understanding that the blessing quoted above was for the priests (Aaron and his sons) to pronounce over Israel. This blessing places those who speak it in a place of advocacy and those who speak it place themselves in a place of a priest.

As the Kingdom of God goes, we who believe in Jesus are "kings and priests." So, as such, how appropriate is it for us to speak this blessing? VERY!

There are many things we can say to others. But how significant is it that we understand our Kingdom position and therefore exercise our "priestly duties"? How refreshing is it to know we can pronounce this blessing upon people with every confidence it is Biblical and accurate!

Father, I know sometimes it is hard to know what to pray for people. But today I am reminded once again how important it is, in those times of not knowing what to pray, to stick with Your Word!

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