
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Thank God For Jesus

You must distinguish between what is sacred and what is common, between what is ceremonially unclean and what is clean. [Leviticus 10.10]

To Aaron and his descendants, the above command was given.

No pressure, right? Hardly - just ask Nadab & Abihu!

In light of my post yesterday (The Seventh Offering 2/18/2017), today's reading reveals just how significant the Advent of the Son of God really is relative to the old covenant ways of worshiping God.

However, the significance of God's Son as the Seventh (and perfect) Offering is not really grasped without some understanding of the other six offerings. And, here today, we see just how vulnerable life is in relation to the required protocol for these offerings!

So, when we see how fragile life is in the shadow of the old covenant rituals, we can better appreciate just how important the light of Jesus is to our very life.

Father, thank You for Jesus! Thank You for His perfect and final offering for me!

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