
Monday, February 27, 2017

Observations About Order

Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses and Aaron: “When the Israelites set up camp, each tribe will be assigned its own area. The tribal divisions will camp beneath their family banners on all four sides of the Tabernacle, but at some distance from it. [Numbers 2.1-2]

I think mostly today I have an observation regarding today's One Year Chronological Bible Reading.

It is my first observation today that the order of the tribes listed, as they were to camp around the Tabernacle, and then as they were to march when moving, was exactly the same order in which they brought their offerings for building the Tabernacle.

Just for kicks, here is the birth order relative to their marching order (as groups):
  1. Judah (#4-Leah), Issachar: (#9-Leah), and Zebulun: (#10-Leah)
  2. Reuben: (#1-Leah), Simeon: (#2-Leah), and Gad: (#7-Zilpah)
  3. Levi: (#3-Leah)
  4. Joseph-Ephraim: (#11-Rachel), Joseph-Manasseh: (#11-Rachel) and Benjamin: (#12-Rachel)
  5. Dan: (#5-Bilhah), Asher: (#8-Zilpah), and Naphtali: (#6-Bilhah)
It is interesting to arrange it like this to see how it all looks. There is no doubt in my mind there is a Kingdom lesson in this order simply by virtue of the fact that any kingdom is nothing if it is not order.

Another thing that stands out: as the Kingdom of God goes, Judah, the tribe through which the Savior of the world would come, is first.

Is it significant that Dan, Asher and Naphtalie are last? When Jacob spoke blessings on his children, these three sons' blessings were in regard to government, food, and beauty respectively. If we learn anything from Jesus' time on earth, it is that these three things are insignificant, but that the Kingdom of God is what matters.

Father, I have spent some time today arranging these tribes relative to their birth order as You arranged them for their journey through the wilderness. Help me to grasp more revelation of Your purpose in arrangement!

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