
Sunday, February 15, 2015

To Hear God Speak Audibly...

Whenever Moses went into the Tabernacle to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the Ark’s cover—the place of atonement—that rests on the Ark of the Covenant.  The Lord spoke to him from there. [Numbers 7.89]

What must that have been like?

To me, some of the most intriguing things about Old Testament history are the occasions when God spoke to different folks.  These occasions with Moses are no exception.

While I am certain God speaks today through the Bible, I cannot help but wander in my thoughts to a scenario of God speaking audibly to me.  It might be said that such an event would remove all doubt about God's will - maybe it would,  maybe it wouldn't.  For most folks today, I fear the novelty of God speaking directly to them would so overwhelm them with the awe and emotion that God actually exists,  that they would be hard pressed to comprehend anything that God actually said!

I realize that true faith does not require the confirmation of human senses.  Does this mean that if I still desire to hear the audible voice of God that I am doubting?  Hmm.

Father, it remains an attractive thought that You would speak directly to me...  However, I do believe I am content with the Bible and the regularity with which You speak to me through it.  Thank You.

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