
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sin Checklist

As the book of Job spans yet another day of OYCB reading, Job is found making a list of sins along with their potential outcomes.

Here is my own compilation of these sins - a sin checklist - as I understand Job to be presenting them in chapter 31:
  1. Lust of the flesh
  2. Lying and deception
  3. Abuse of authority
  4. Refusal to help orphans and widows
  5. Trusting in money
  6. Worshiping the sun or moon
  7. Revenge and retaliation
  8. Self-centeredness
  9. Failure to repent
  10. Failure to stand up for what's right
  11. Bad stewardship
If, in fact, Job was flawless in each of these categories, then I must concede that he was quite the man!  And, from the narrative, including God's initial presentation of him to Satan, I think it is safe to conclude that Job was indeed spotless in these categories.

There are a couple of directions I could go right now with my thoughts and response, but I think I will inspect myself (rather than Job) relative to this list and see where I stand.

Of all the eleven categories I singled out from Job's 'perfect list,' there is only one that I would even think I have not violated flagrantly: worshiping the sun or moon.  According to Job's list, I am a very bad person and I deserve a lot of bad consequences.

Bummer.  Where do I go from here?

First, I must go to Jesus.  But to do so, I must let go of these sins - I must turn away from them (repent) and turn to Jesus.

Then, I must stay with Jesus.  If I only look at and to Him, I will not be tempted and deceived by these sins.  I must 'seek first the Kingdom of God' in every situation and never rely upon myself.

Regardless of how long I've 'been good' I cannot, like Job, say I have never done these things.  However, I am reminded that even with my confessed failures I am still not insulated from the sin of pride!  What?  "How can a confessed offender be proud?" one might ask.  It is easy - all one has to do is forget for just one tiny moment that God, through Jesus, is his only hope and help.

Can't I get a break?  Yes, I can and I have - Jesus!

Father, what a journey already today!  Thank You for Your patience with me - I know I have cost You a lot of it!  Help me today to consider not only Job, but myself, and remember how easy it is to turn from You and rely upon myself.

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