
Monday, June 16, 2014

Where Is That Faith Today?

The events surrounding the life of Elisha are at very least, extraordinary.  When I read about these events I find myself  wishful for the same display of God and His power in this time in which I live.

I know a lot of people have a lot of 'religious-speak' to explain why prophets and such miraculous events are not present today, but I cannot help but think the ptoblem lies more with the condition of mankind.

It could be argued that events like Elisha were part do in fact still occur but I simply do kot know it or am too ignorant to recognize it.  But, just as Elisha became a pubicly known figure, wouldn't a modern-day prophet surely be known today with modern media so prevalent?  Would not You Tube and email forwards be teaming with not only accounts but actual videos of such events?

I know that Jesus left mankind with instructions to walk in miraculous faith.  Where is that faith today?

Father, my prayer is simple today...  Let faith experience a genuine revival today and let it be for the glory of Your name!

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