
Friday, June 06, 2014

Not About My Life - But God's Purpose

The reality in Ecclesiastes is at once refreshing, but then depressing.  It seems Solomon had become painfully aware of his mortality and that he, like every human, would live but then die.  Solomon's wisdom is evident in almost every statement made.  His grasp of the natural world around him, including the nature of man, is obvious with almost every word.

One thing I noticed today however is that Solomon, even though he seemed in such despair with life, remained fixed in his belief in God.  Not that he made any real declarations to this end (but more so to the contrary actually), but continued at least to reference God as a reality if even by default.

Having said this, I am concerned that Ecclesiastes is included in the Bible because it appears to have been written after Solomon strayed away from God and even worshiped foreign gods.  From the interpretations of Ecclesiastes we have today, it seems Solomon made no reference to foreign gods in this writing, but can we be absolutely sure Solomon's references to deity were to the Almighty God and not to Molech or Ashtoreth?

I am very content to say we all need to evaluate our relationship to the world in which we live - but more so to God and His plan for our lives.  Why are we here?  Solomon appears to have gotten lost in his own existence - the affects of which can only be maddening and confusing.  Will he come to right conclusions?

Father, I can see how Solomon would question the things he sees.  I can also see that futility is the only conclusion one might draw apart from a sense of divine purpose.  Help me to remain true to Your purpose.  Help me to see that it is not about my life, but Your purpose.  

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