
Friday, May 30, 2014

What We Believe Is Important

Trouble chases sinners, while blessings reward the righteous. [Proverbs 13.21]

I don't know if this would be called a "promise" or just a wise saying, but it makes a lot of sense.  Of course sinners are not 'always' in trouble and the righteous are not 'always' showered with blessings, but when looking at the big picture, these sayings are absolutely true.  ...Aren't they?

It worries me that modern religion has made the exception to become the rule.  In other words, Christians today, in large quantities, believe that trouble is their lot in this life - but that idea does not even agree with Proverbs 13.21.  In fact, this passage of scripture focused on here would implicate so-called 'good Christians" that they are not so good and that circumstances around them would bear witness of that!  Instead however of heeding the warning signs, Christians twisted the signs to mean the opposite!

What we believe is important.  It is critical that we believe correctly and that our faith is well-placed.  Furthermore it is imperative that we obediently approach God and the Bible with no predisposition one way or the other.  We simply must come to God willing to believe that He, by His Spirit and His Story, will show us the way to live.

Father, help me to stop telling You what I believe, and start letting You tell me what to believe!

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