
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Strength From Relationship

His [the king of the north] army will take over the Temple fortress, pollute the sanctuary, put a stop to the daily sacrifices, and set up the sacrilegious object that causes desecration.  He will flatter and win over those who have violated the covenant.  But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him. [Daniel 11.31]

I am not so much focusing today on the history or prophecy of Daniel 11.31 as I am the principle.

But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him.

I often wonder if I genuinely have enough of a relationship with God through Jesus to be strong and resist the enemy.  I think the worst part of it is that the answer is all too obvious.  It is simply easier and less humiliating for me to concoct a bunch of religious B.S. that makes me look OK even though I am unable to muster enough faith to raise a goose bump, let alone flex a muscle!

Throughout the Bible and history, people of real faith are known for that faith.  In other words, their faith actually accomplished something!  Their faith was not passive, but active!

The 'him' in Daniel 11.31 (But the people who know their God will be strong and will resist him) is ironically a king whose goal has become to seek out and destroy people of the holy covenant.  That destroyer is the one to be resisted.  That destroyer of faith is the one against whom we must apply strength.

Hmmm.  Shall we contemporize the application of this principle?  Do U.S. citizens dare make application of this principle to believers within their country today and their fight against the tyranical and Godless regime of the current administration?

Oh boy, now I've crossed the line!  Amazingly however, this line is one that was crossed over two hundred years ago by the United States' forefathers!  The difference today however is that I am concerned whether or not U.S. citizens know God enough to draw the strength to resist.

Will the world witness the demise of this Christian nation?  Do those who profess Christianity genuinely know their God?  Will that relationship be evident in a revolution?

Father, I want the same intimacy with You as (and even more intimacy than) a mother with her child.  And I pray that that intimacy will be protected in my life as a bear protects her cubs!  Let my resistance be directly correlated to my intimacy with You.

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