
Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Problem Is Not Hunger, But Diet

Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door. [Ezekiel 16.49]
Note: All along I had thought Sodom's problem was homosexuality! Could it be that homosexuality was only a symptom? Food for thought!
Once again today, I find new perspective from Proverbs...
A person who is full refuses honey, but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry. [Proverbs 27.7]
What was in my heart as I read this Proverb was this: our lives CAN be full. Because they can be full, it is important to pay attention to what they are full of! If our lives are full of the wrong stuff, there is no hope of getting anything else in there. My point? The Word of God!
God's Word contains all kinds of nourishment - some of it is honey - some of it is vegetables - but all is necessary for a balanced spiritual diet. I believe the reason people struggle so much with a daily diet of the Bible is simple: their lives are already full - not even the sweetest morsel of scripture promise of blessing is palatable or desirable to them! But for those whose lives are not full already, even the vegetables - the bitter difficulties of the Word - are sweet.
The problem is found in that we are so full - particularly U.S.A. Christians! Our lives are full of events and opportunities. Time is a rare commodity as our schedules keep us not only physically on the move but mentally drained as well. Furthermore, the real problem is that all this busy-ness - this fullness - DOES NOT SATISFY! Sadly, the natural inclination is to pile more in. The result is dizzying: households that are quite literally strangers occupying living space together while they frantically glut more into their schedules seeking satisfaction that will never come... THE DIET IS ALL WRONG!
I can say all day long here that God's Word is the only thing that will satisfy. But when our lives are so full already, even the most precious Bible verse has no room to nourish - let alone the sometimes bitter vegetable passages! The problem then would not be hunger, but diet.
Father, help me to review my schedule - to see what I am "filling up on". Lord, I will know when I have truly gotten rid of the junk my appetite will genuinely appreciate and even crave the difficulties of Your Word - simply because it IS Your Word!

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